Diamond Line Player of the Year
Idaho Junior Tour points earnings by event type and field size. ​All Idaho Junior Tour players earn points throughout the year based on how he/she places in tournaments played. These points are used to determine the point leaders for Diamond Line Player of the Year and Districts Player of the Year.
*This is a separate points system than the Team Idaho and USA Idaho points system
Prep & Champ Tour - Eligible Events
All single day events in the following
Southwest District
Central District
Eastern District
Northern District
Tie Breaking - All ties for Prep Tour and Championship Tour events will be broken by the USGA recommended scorecard method. For Player of the Year points, ties will be retained with the exceptions of 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Players who tie will split the points evenly based on their respective positions​​
Master Tour - Eligible Events
The Carney Cup
Shadow Valley Cup
Hillcrest Cup

Prep & Champ Tour - Points Table
Masters Tour Events - Points Table

Major Events - Eligible Events
​Points will be awarded to specified POY divisions. Points will be awarded to POY division that junior is associated with.​​​
District Championship (All four Districts)
Optimist Championship
Boys 16-18 points will be put under Boys 15-18 POY​
Girls 15-18 points will be put under Girls 15-18 POY
Boys 14-15 points will be put under Boys 13-14 POY
Girls 13-14 points will be put under Girls 13-14
Uswing Mojing Junior World Golf Championship (Idaho Qualifier)
Boys 13-14 points will be put under Boys 13-14 POY​
Boys 15-18 points will be put under Boys 15-18 POY
Girls 13-14 points will be put under Girls 13-14 POY
Girls 15-18 points will be put under Girls 15-18 POY
US Girls Junior Am (Idaho Qualifier)
Girls Overall points will be put under Girls 13-14 or 15-18 POY​
US Junior Am (Idaho Qualifier)
Boys Overall points will be put under Boys 13-14 or 15-18 POY
RMSPGA Junior Championship
Boys Overall points will be put under Boys 13-14 or 15-18 POY​
Girls Overall points will be put under Girls 13-14 or 15-18 POY
Boys 12 & Under points will be put in Boys 10-12 POY
Girls 12 & Under points will be put in Girls 10-12 POY
Dropping Championship
Boys Overall points will be put under Boys 13-14 or 15-18 POY ​
Girls Overall points will be put under Girls 13-14 or 15-18 POY​

Major Events - Points Table
Idaho Junior Am & National Events
Idaho Junior Am​
PGA Junior Championship
U.S. Girls Junior Am Championship
U.S. Junior Am Championship
USwing Mojing Junior World Championship

Idaho Junior Am & National Events - Points Table